Avalanche safety and rescue teams deployed in Gbao

The ChallengeTajikistan, February 2019 – Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO), a region highly vulnerable to natural hazards, has a long history of being negatively impacted by
How AKAH Tajikistan is increasing emergency response readiness

TAJIKISTAN (April 2020) – The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) recently conducted refresher trainings for members of the Rasht Valley’s Community Emergency Response Teams
AKAH organizes training for female rescuers in Dushanbe

Tajikistan, March 2019 – The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) helped support the efforts to launch a week-long training for female rescuers from Afghanistan
AKAH helps vulnerable communities meet their food needs during covid-19 pandemic in Pakistan

PAKISTAN (March 2020) – The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) in Pakistan was enlisted as a member of the Pakistani national task force to
Pakistani women are key in successful rescue missions

The ChallengeMiddle-school teacher Shamim Bano is one of the 50,000 volunteers trained in this joint community-based disaster risk management effort since 1998. As a young